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Photo: The Verge
Photo: The Verge
In news today a group of students penned a letter to NASA, which received a prompt response!

Recently, a group of fourth grade students at the Cornerstone School in Karachi had some questions for American Space Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which their teacher, Aimun composed and tweeted on her social media platform.

Photo: NASA Spitzer Telescope
Photo: NASA Spitzer Telescope

The students got a surprise as NASA Astronauts actually responded to their questions about space travel in an adorable turn of events. Their teacher, 'Miss Aimun' encouraged their healthy curiosity and actually chronicled the events as they occurred in a heartwarming thread of tweets!

Tagging astronauts as well as NASA's official page, Miss Aimun composed questions the students were curious to know about, including what fuels a spaceship and how they can be a part of NASA, as well as inquiring about what the most fascinating discovery in space was to date. The tweet gained faction and a following on social media, which was shared and retweeted until it caught the attention of actual astronauts. The first to respond was Emmy-nominated American science TV host of Xploration Outer Space, Emily Calandrelli.

Emily addressed the students' queries with a proper answer in the cutest way! With the news making headlines, more astronauts responded to the questions such as Chris Hadfield, who responded by even sharing a picture of Karachi from a zoomed out view, being experienced in space travel after 3 flights!

The students also got the surprise of their lives by receiving responses from European Space Stations such as Ariane 6 and the German Aerospace Centre. The children have even been invited after COVID-19 pandemic clears up, to see it themselves!

This was the wholesome news 2020 needed to lighten spirits!

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