Updated 02 May, 2017 02:02pm

Meet Miss Pakistan World 2016

We had a tete-a-tete with Anzhelika Tahir, the crowned Miss Pakistan World 2016 and got to know her better. She shares how she started off with her career in modelling and how she sees herself in the future.


Where are you originally from? Where were you born?

My father had come to Ukraine to study further and hence met my mother and got married to her. I was born shortly after. My father belongs to Sheikupura, Pakistan and my mother is a native from Kiev, Ukraine. I belong to a mixed heritage; half Pakistani and half Ukrainian.

Tell us about your family?

My mother is an amazing woman and I have a very supportive family. She has supported me in all what I chose to do in life, especially in the field of fashion and media. My father has always been very happy to see me excel in all my endeavours.

What’s the meaning of your name?

My mother was inspired by actress Michele Mercier, who was known as Anzhelika from “Angelique, marquise des angels” movie (1964). The meaning of my name is “Angel.”

Tell us about your life while growing up outside of Pakistan?

Growing outside Pakistan is a bit different. When I was young, my skin color was always different than Ukrainian people who are very fair. So I remember one girl in my school telling me that if I took a shower with a very hard sponge I would become white like her. I used to scrub myself thinking I will become a perfect Ukrainian looking girl, but that never happened. I made peace with myself and my very odd looks and accepted my skin color as well. I didn’t have friends because of my skin colour, no one wanted to sit with me at the desk.

Tell us how you got your first job? As what?

My first job was in the media industry and I still continue to pursue that. I love interviewing people and getting to know their opinions.

Why did you decide to go into modelling? 

Growing up as a teenager I found that people always saw me look very unique as I was a mix. I started getting noticed more for my different looks. Of course I don’t look completely Ukrainian or completely Pakistani. So I got people interested in me for their shoots and modeling assignments as well as I got interested in fashion and media as well.



How does it feel to represent Pakistan across the globe?

I feel so excited and blessed! I think that with this crowning begun a new phase in my life. I’m very proud to represent my wonderful country in international pageants and to share positive image of our land. This is an amazing way to change people’s perception and their mind about Pakistan and show Pakistan in the real form. I’m happy that I have the chance to do that. Since I won this contest – any international winning for Pakistan is Pakistan’s win!

Have you ever visited Pakistan? If yes, what’s your favourite place?

I have not visited Pakistan yet, as I was in school and was busy with school life. But I will this year.

How has the response been so far?

I have so many people send me so many messages on social media and they follow me all the time and encourage me. So the response has been great. I am so thankful and happy to have so much support.

What are your future plans? 

My future plan is to get very strongly involved in Pakistan’s entertainment industry – Lollywood.

What are your views on love?

Love is the best thing that must exist for everything: humans, animals & God. Love means Purity.

Where do you see yourself in the entertainment industry?

This year I will try to achieve as much as possible for Pakistan in the pageant world. Also I got a couple of invitation from the Lollywood industry as well. My management team is working on schedules and hopefully you may see me in a couple of Pakistani movies in the coming years.

Name 3 celebrities that you’d like to work with?

I want to work with Danish Taimoor, Ahsan Khan &NomanIjaz!

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

To read the minds of people, so I know exactly what they are thinking!

Three things you can not live without?

Nude Lip Gloss, Vanilla Scent & my iPhone!

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