Published 28 Oct, 2019 01:28pm

Tête-à-Tête With Artist Istrahat Bhatty

We love discovering new talent and recently, Istrahat caught our eye with her technique using perforation with a mix of charcoal. An intelligent girl with a new way to express a message via art.

What inspired your newest series?

My newest drawing series “Fantastic Beasts” is highly inspired by the female classical anatomy drawings from the old masters which I amalgamated with my medium; perforation on paper as a modern contemporary art.
It involves the painful and meticulous process and casts light on the trials and tribulations of female life whereas the divine beauty of female anatomy has been manifested through charcoal drawings.

Why the use of just charcoal and uses of needle pricks?
My expression incorporates a wider variety of artistic perspectives.
From the last six years I am expressing myself through the medium perforation on paper.
It explores my obsession, intimation, repetition, duration.. and metaphorically portrays my meditative expression. I have been friendly with charcoal too. I did my Master’s thesis drawings using charcoal, so this time I decided to use my both mediums together.

Is there symbolism in your work? For those who aren’t great with it, please explain how, if yes.

My work is thematic; each of my art piece leaves behind a question for its audience. Using dark sarcasm as a means to my end, I create awareness in my audience to further investigate my concerns.
In the series ‘Fantastic Beasts’ the female yields two-pronged power; internal and external. Internal is what gives her strength over her own existence; the spine, the feet, and the similar. The external is what she uses for the rest of the world; wings, ram horns and certain aspects of her own anatomy that exerts her power and control on others. The mistrial power of a female is deeply rooted in what could be seen as feminine qualities; a desire to heal, ability to communicate and a passion for finding out the truth.

If you could create a piece for any person, living or dead, who would it be?
M.F. Hussain, a true artist!

Which artist inspires you the most?
Frida Kahlo.

Who would you say is your greatest mentor, and why?
Saeed Akhtar. He taught me drawing and anatomy and influenced my perspective towards art at a wider level in my teenage

If you could spend the day in a studio with one person and draw them or learn from them, who would it be and why?
None other than Rashid Rana. His intellectual approach and seriousness towards his work is admirable. He is a house of knowledge and I am sure discussions with him will allow me to explore and know my work better.

Where can one purchase your works from and what should we expect next?
One can directly contact me on my Instagram account “ist.rahat” or email me at
I am working on another drawing series and plan to exhibit it internationally!


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