Published 31 Oct, 2019 01:01pm

Team Edition Takes On The Organic Brand, Raw – A Review!

We had three editors try out and test the products from RAW, a brand which focuses on organic products which are safe for sensitive skin and dry hair and have them give their take after using it for a month! Now a month is a long time, so you know these are solid reviews and while each person had their own personal experience, an overall feel of the brand is felt.

Here’s what they had to say:


On Raw’s Coconut Oil:

I’ve always been a fan of coconut oil despite the fact that whether we like it or not, it IS a cause of dandruff. That’s just the way it works but this product didn’t do that to me (yet!) and enhanced not only shine, but growth of hair. Super happy with the results after just a month.

Rating: 7/10

On Raw’s Almond Oil:

I have honestly tried all types of almond oil from various companies and I personally don’t see the difference in hair, but it is a great product to rub on your body for a massage or just to eliminate the pesky, dry flaky skin.

Rating: 6/10

On Raw’s Almond and Oatmeal Scrub:

I’m a sucker for scrubs and exfoliation and especially if they are oatmeal based! This is a product that smells good, and feels good after. I have combination skin so this was great for controlling sebum and it hadn’t aided in dryness, thankfully but is hands down my favourite product so far!

Rating: 9/10


On Raw’s Coconut Oil:
This oil smells amazing! Anyone who is a fan of coconuts or coconut-scented products will immediately appreciate the true organic scent of this product. It works great as a full body moisturizer, especially if you suffer from dry skin. With the weather being completely unpredictable, I was suffering from cracked heels, and after just one use of this oil on my feet, the dryness was gone!
It can also be used as a hair oil, resulting in softer hair. I didn’t notice any less hairfall, but there was definitely more shine and life in my hair. The only drawback for me about this oil is that it is not edible – or at least it isn’t mentioned that it’s edible. Other than that, it’s a fantastic product.

On Raw’s Almond Oil:
Unlike the coconut oil, this does not smell amazing – at all. The scent put me off using it as a body moisturizer, however, as a hair oil, this product is pretty amazing. A little goes a long way, and it’s also not difficult to wash the product out of your hair. Your hair will look and feel better after at least 2-3 uses.

On Raw’s  Almond and Oatmeal Scrub:

I love the packaging of this product, solely because its environmentally conscious and it has a protective seal. This scrub smells delicious, you will almost want to eat it if you are a fan of anything made out of oatmeal. The instructions state to use it with either water or milk, however, I didn’t see any difference after using it with water. Using it with milk, there was a significant brightness and softness in my skin, but the effects didn’t last long. A word of caution: it’s a very messy product to use in the shower!



On Raw’s Oatmeal and Almond Scrub:

I was super excited to use this because in the last couple of weeks my skin has been extremely dry and nothing has seemed to help it. I used this product about three times and each time I did enjoy scrubbing myself in the shower with it. A little bit of this product goes a long way as when I made the paste with about 3 tablespoons of the oatmeal scrub, it was a lot more than needed. It wasn’t a harsh exfoliant and the bits of almond pieces wasn’t feeling rough against my skin. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not? As when I want to exfoliate my skin I’m one of those people that actually enjoy the rough sea salt grains while im scrubbing away! Also, the paste once mixed with water, became sort of sticky and was sticking to my hands while I was trying to put It on my arms. I did notice however, that while I was in the shower and applying it all over my arms and legs, my skin started to feel soft! I was super excited by this and thought this scrub was the answer to all my problems! However, I don’t know if it’s just my skin lately or was it the product but 5 minutes after getting out and drying myself although my skin felt softer, it was still dry.

Would I use this product again?
Yes. I think I would like to continue this for about a month once to twice a week to see if the dryness improves. It could just be my skin that has been overly dry these days and not the product itself.
Rating: 6.5/10

On Raw’s Almond Oil:

I tried the Almond hair oil about 5 times as my go to hair oil is usually the Vatika Almond Hair Oil. I found this organic hair oil to not have an offensive or strong scent and it was easy to wash out. The consistency thins out as you heat it for about 30 seconds and you can tell that this is almond oil in its purest form as if you leave the bottom standing, particles of the almonds gather on top. I usually kept the oil in for about an hour to two hours before showering. It was easy to wash out and after letting my hair dry naturally there was no frizz and a lovely shine to it. I think if I keep using this oil, my hair will ultimately get that luster and shine! Even though this was for hair, I even used a little bit sparingly for my hands and my arms to moisturize
due to the extremely dry weather!

Would I use this product again?
Yes, I would use the Almond oil again. I think consistency is Key to see after a month or two how this product affects the growth and thickness of my hair!

Rating: 8/10

On Raw’s Coconut Oil

When it comes to Coconut Hair oil, I’m usually very skeptical as it’s the only type of hair oil that does not suit me. After using it twice, I felt like there was not much difference to my hair. Still not wanting to judge this product to prematurely, I passed it on to my sister who usually uses Coconut Hair Oil. She was a big fan! She needed to scoop the oil out in a bowl and heat for about 30 seconds as it solidifies in the bottle but felt the oil was easy to wash out and instantly gave her hair moisture and a glorious shine!

Would I use this product again?
No, because Coconut Oil just doesn’t suit my hair type. However, it worked for my sister and she didn’t return the bottle so I’m assuming its that good! Based on her review I would rate it high.
Rating: 8/10

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