Updated 01 May, 2020 04:54pm

Quarantine Diary: Bina Khan

In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A listers weekly and give you an update of how they are making it through this time!

This week we spoke to make up maestro and the Pat McGrath of Pakistan, Bina Khan:

What is one thing you make sure to do every day?

Sit in the garden and feel grateful for greenery, fresh air and (everyone’s) good health. It’s got me truly absorbing what we already know...that the way we live is out of balance with nature and this virus is a direct result of that. We need to respect the world we live in and it’s inhabitants more. We have to change our way of life.

Have you learnt a new talent or reverted to something you used to do but didn't have time to do which you're loving?

I got back in front of the camera! I actually love teaching and engaging so that’s been so much fun!

How are you balancing WFH vs being present for family?

I don’t have kids so I can be pretty single minded about work

What workouts have you been trying out that you would recommend?

So I just read about lung exercises that are apparently super important to do. (Please look it up and strengthen your lungs) I started that today. I also have a spin bike and am getting in to a little yoga.

Favourite song these days?

“Mystery of love” by Sufjan Stevens. It reminds me of idyllic afternoons at French beach. Sigh.

Your go to snack which you don't feel bad about having daily?

Lotus spread! I start with one tsp and then if I don’t count the rest never happened right? Also fruit...we need to give our bodies all they will need to fight the oncoming onslaught.

Tell us your favourite people to follow for inspiration

There are so many great artists, and I keep talking about them. But I love following old Hollywood glamour pages. Those guys just knew how to do it. And AD. Swoon.

Give us a tip on how you personally battle anxiety.

I get hit with anxiety every day by the evening (even pre isolation) and I am not very expert at dealing with it. But I use the calm app when I have the presence of mind to do so. The rain on the leaves and the mountain lake scenes calm me down and ease the panic in my chest. The modern world makes us go go go and I am not sure we are built for it.

What have you learnt about yourself that you didn't know, in this time of social distancing?

I learned that we all live in a pressure cooker and didn’t seem to notice. Till we slowed down. I also learned that if I am not achieving and growing I am unhappy. I also remembered that make up is fun!

Give us one positive affirmation for today

Take a deep breath and feel how connected we are. This is a time of great challenge and people are rising to meet those challenges with humanity, love and incredible acts of charity. Humans can be lovely.

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