Updated 01 May, 2020 04:54pm

Quarantine Diary: Ayesha Omar

In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A listers weekly and give you an update of how they are making it through this time!

This week we spoke to actor, Ayesha Omar

What is one thing you make sure to do every day?

I have turmeric with black pepper & honey, and coconut oil every single night. I also listen to Surah Rahman every day.

Have you learnt a new talent or reverted to something you used to do but didn't have time to do which you're loving?

No, as I have no help at home & am alone, so my time is spent in taking care of the house - cooking, cleaning, washing. Cooking is something I like doing. I also went back to painting a little and am biking too!

What workouts have you been trying out that you would recommend?

I just bought a bike recently and thrice a week I do sessions with my trainer Hydro live on instagram so my fans can join in if they want! I you live in a building you can go up & down the stairs or if you live in a compound, go for a walk around it. If confined in an apartment, there's squats etc - there's so much on the internet you can find to do.

Favourite song these days?

I'm listening to a lot of house music like sets by DJ Sabo, Black Coffee - and coke studio!

Your go to snack which you don't feel bad about having daily?

Nuts! Almonds and dried apricots.

Tell us your favourite people to follow for inspiration

Chris Hemsworth, Womanistan, Jay Shetty, The Holistic Psychologist.

Give us a tip on how you personally battle anxiety.

My tip is, when I'm feeling very anxious, I put on Surah Rahman recited by Qari Abdul Basit. It calms me down. Its my remedy for anxiety - or I call a friend. I also practise gratitude so I list down things I'm grateful for. Sometimes I'll make myself tea, or I'll go for a walk - exercise helps with anxiety. There are some great breathing techniques by Jay Shetty.

What have you learnt about yourself that you didn't know, in this time of social distancing?

I've learnt that I am very generous with my time. That if I can't physically be there for someone, I will be there for them virtually or any other way that I can. I found out that I also procrastinate a lot and spend a lot of time on social media. I have learnt that I am very capable of taking care of myself, mashallah & I'm pretty okay with my own company!

Give us one positive affirmation for today

Thank you, God, for healthy food, thank you God, for good health, thank you for a roof over my head, thank you for all my friends who check up on me all the time. Thank you to people who offer to deliver things.We will come out of this much stronger - I feel stronger mentally, physically, and maybe even better people, better humans!

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