Published 03 May, 2020 04:37pm

Quarantine Diary: Hasnain Lehri

In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A listers weekly and give you an update of how they are making it through this time!

This week we spoke to supermodel, Hasnain Lehri:

What is one thing you make sure to do every day?

To say my prayers, as always and to be grateful for a new day. Theres always something to be grateful for.

Have you learnt a new talent or reverted to something you used to do but didn't have time to do which you're loving?

Charcoal sketching. My favourite art form which has charm in its rawness.

How are you balancing WFH vs being present for family?

I have always balanced work with family. The only difference is I'm spending more time at home now of course.

What workouts have you been trying out that you would recommend?

A little bit of weights (if you don't any, there are plenty of things to use around the house), or an evening walk. Fresh air does wonders!

Favourite song these days?

Emmit Fenn - Stones

Your go to snack which you don't feel bad about having daily?

RX Whole Food Protein Bar a day keeps your sugar cravings at bay! Not to mention how healthy it is, too!

Tell us your favourite people to follow for inspiration

Alessandro Michele , Jared Leto, Mathew Fraser

Give us a tip on how you personally battle anxiety.

Prayer, prayer, prayer. The power of letting yourself go then, and that moment between you and your lord is unlike any other. Also, finding one thing positive every day is important for your mental health. Even on a bad day, something like an evening sunset can make you smile.

What have you learnt about yourself that you didn't know, in this time of social distancing?

That we are all strong enough on our own. I feel I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I've seen it in others too.

Give us one positive affirmation for today

Nothing bad lasts forever. That is an ebb and flow of life. Good and bad will come and go, and inshallah we will come out stronger and better

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