Published 06 May, 2020 03:57pm

Quarantine Diary: Tabesh Khoja

In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A listers weekly and give you an update of how they are making it through this time!

This week we spoke to stylist, Tabesh Khoja

What is one thing you make sure to do every day?

To workout!

Have you learnt a new talent or reverted to something you used to do but dodnt have time to do which you're loving?

Yes to learn languages through podcasts - it’s a slow process but really works eventually

How are you balancing WFH vs being present for family?

Working hours are working hours, which are very reasonable. To manage time right is key!

What workouts have you been trying out that you would recommend?

Appetite control!And then the following: Cycling, Side Plank, Hip lifts

Favourite song these days?

Dance monkey & Graveyard by Halsey

Your go to snack which you don't feel bad about having daily?

Frankly speaking I don’t like chewing unnecessarily but I love having fruits instead of junk

Tell us your favourite people to follow for inspiration.

There are no specific people... but as a lot of things inspire me and I get bored very fast, I prefer through going through a lot of visual treats everyday to keep me sane and creative.

Give us a tip on how you personally battle anxiety.

First and foremost is by connecting with my God and then by changing or moving out things of my routine that bother me.

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