Published 07 Jul, 2020 06:07pm

SAPM Dr. Zafar Mirza Tests Positive for Covid 19

Dr. Mirza, who has been the main spokesperson for the Government's response to the pandemic situation as well as direct coronavirus updates in the country, has unfortunately tested positive after experiencing 'mild symptoms'. Upon receiving news of his test result he announced via his twitter platform,

“I have tested positive for COVID-19. Under med advice I have isolated myself at home & taking all precautions. I have mild symptoms. Please keep me in your kind prayers,"

The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Health has also commended the efforts of his colleagues and encouraged their ‘good work’, tweeting, “Keep up the good work! You are making a big difference and I am proud of you."

Dr. Zafar Mirza is the latest Senior Minister to have tested positive for the virus. Earlier, on Friday, the Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi had confirmed he was positive for Covid 19 and has since gone into self-quarantine, tweeting,

"This afternoon I felt a slight fever and immediately quarantined myself at home. I have now tested positive for Covid 19."

Similarly, the Governor of Sindh, Imran Ismail, had also confirmed his positive test result for the virus, but has since then recovered and gone on to donate plasma for Covid 19 patients.

The number of Covid 19 cases in Pakistan has risen above the 231,000 mark, with the death toll reaching more than 4,762 people.

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