Updated 01 Oct, 2020 05:45pm

Celebrities Want Sex Education in Pakistan

Pakistani superstars previously assembled at Karachi Press Club initially for the first protest against the grotesque motorway incident which shocked the country. On Saturday the 3rd of October, another protest is scheduled at the Press Club where prominent public figures and celebrities alike will raise their voices for justice. Regarding the previous protest, many in the fraternity have advocated for sex education in school curriculums to educate young students.

"It disheartens me, it enrages me to need to speak more loudly against such boorish occurrences," former model, Frieha Altaf revealed to The Express Tribune. "I shouldn't need to compose such fights yet I have no other decision since the lawfulness circumstance in this nation doesn't appear to improve. There are comparable horrendous cases each other day and it's time we make some commotion to stop it." Talking about the public hanging of the attackers, Frieha remarked she's not the one for such ruthlessness. "We fought for Zainab's situation. Hanging the offender doesn't bring the required change, that isn't the arrangement. After Zainab's case, we saw an ascent in 16% of the assault cases. We need to discover answers somewhere else."

Sarwat Gilani is another known face amid the celebrities who have raised their voices against sexual assault,. "It's about time that we come out. We have consistently been named as a tough country. We aren't versatile. We are smug. We ought to have been fighting for quite a while," she said.

Speaking about adding sex education to the national schooling curriculum, the Churails star shared, stressing the need to address the majority. "I feel it's about time that we present sex instruction in the schools. We have to show our youngsters what ‘good touch’ and ‘awful touch’ means. We have to have discussions with our youngsters.”

Yasir Hussain thought there should be a long haul strategy to handle such intolerable wrongdoings and mobilized for changes in the instruction framework. "We have to get sex training in our educational programs. The issue of not having a discussion with respect to sex is so profound established in our general public that we avoid such subjects while they ought to be organized," Yasir said. "We've generally shown our ladies how to walk, how to talk, what to wear, what not to wear when we ought to have made our men think about exactly the same things. We should cause our men to see how to regard ladies," the Lahore Se Aagay star commented.

Ayesha Omar is another prominent celebrity who has raised her voice against sexual abuse before, being recognised by international media for her stance and personal story, "Like my kindred craftsmen, I don't accept public hanging is the arrangement, teaching the majority is. We have to spread mindfulness about this and bring up better kids, better young men. That would be the drawn out response to the assault culture."

Mahira Khan also addressed the situation, speaking on 'You can hang them, you can freely execute them, will it end the assault culture? I don't think so. Be that as it may, indeed, I do think we have to make a model. We aren't setting enough models," the Verna star stated, including, "If the administration settled on the public hanging of the offenders, that may be reasonable however I feel this is an exceptionally profound established issue. The issue is in the outlooks and that should be handled first. I think we have to visit our educational plans, how men (even the informed ones) act around women - this needs to change eventually."

As the situation in Pakistan has worsened regarding the topic of harassment and rape culture, the necessity in terms of educating children to make society a safer place, lack of education and curiosity are requiring more urgency and attention. Different curriculums abroad follow these instructions and have incorporated programs regarding sex education in their schools, colleges etc. Different policies are being followed regarding sex education in schools. There are 35 states that have laws that allow parents to opt their children out of sex ed. When it comes to sex education in schools, one of the most important topics shaping the future of tomorrow, needs to be emphasised.

Sex Education is a very disputable topic in nations like Pakistan where any exchange with respect to sexual practices is viewed as a ‘taboo’ or hushed. However, it is a nation with a high predominance of premature births and explicitly communicated sicknesses (STIs). Current information about such issues in the overall population is additionally exceptionally poor. Subsequently, it is critical to talk about the benefits of having sexual training programs in Pakistan and examine the current effect of a nonattendance of such projects and public mindfulness crusades. The rape cases have been increasing day by day and the harassment itself makes the lack of sex education in the country apparent.

As citizens we need to implore our better judgement and develop an understanding regarding this crucial topic and then think about the betterment and the future of Pakistan especially the upcoming generation and the changing culture of working women becoming our future, who need to feel safe in their own country.

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