Updated 12 Dec, 2020 02:16pm

Bill Gates & PM Imran Khan Discuss Pakistan's COVID-19 Strategy

Microsoft organizer and the co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, has recognized Pakistan's endeavors to battle the COVID-19 pandemic while stimulating financial development. Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday apprised Gates about Pakistan's commitment to combat the second wave of coronavirus pandemic through coordinated efforts and smart lockdown initiatives.

The PM communicated this purpose during his telephonic discussion with the American business magnate where the two different sides traded sees on the COVID-19 circumstance and polio annihilation endeavors in the nation. PM Imran shared Pakistan's strategy to control and alleviate the injurious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on wellbeing and the economy.

The premier recognized the Foundation and proceeded with an aim to aide the Ehsaas Program, which would help the weakest fragments of Pakistan's populace to profit by its skill in wellbeing, sustenance and monetary incorporation. The Prime Minister lauded the Foundation's solid promotion for arrangement of protected and successful Covid-19 immunizations to non-industrial nations.

Mr. Khan reaffirmed that annihilation of polio stayed a vital need of the public authority. While expressing gratitude toward the Foundation for its basic help in building Pakistan's crisis over the board limit with respect to polio destruction, he said that enemy of polio crusades were being heightened in the nation. PM Khan said that Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Health, Dr. Faisal Sultan and his group would keep on teaming up with the Foundation for the annihilation of polio. The executive and Mr. Gates consented to keep cooperating on the mutual targets of annihilating polio and battling the Covid-19 pandemic successfully.

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