Updated 22 Dec, 2020 05:20pm

Why Failure Is Only a Part of Success

Failure is a strong term, something we tend to give ourselves a hard time about, whether it be in our work occupations, personal lives, or socially. What defines the concept of failing is a goal which we keep in our minds until we reach it, if we fall short, we deem it as a 'failure' or 'let down'.

Fall, Get Back Up

The most important thing we can take away from 'failing' at our goals is to get back on our feet and try again, because the only time we actually let ourselves down is if we give up. Many people may not be able to jump over the hurdle the first time they try, and failing at that, as we say, only teaches you how to approach it (differently) the next time around.

Use Affirmations to Up Your Confidence

Write down affirmations to repeat to yourself in moments of doubt, distress or frustration. Remember why you started something and make a mental as well as literal note to push yourself in trying times. Even when you're feeling your best, don't forget to remind yourself. We are usually much harder on ourselves than others are, and how we treat ourselves in moments like these set the grounds for how people should treat us in the future.

Your Work Does Not Define Your Worth

Your value and what you do are two very different things which need to be separated. Your work and results do not define nor reflect your value as a human being. Often times we forget that our worth is not something that is categorised depending on our productivity. If we do well one day and perhaps perform a little less than hoped the next day it does not make us less important as human beings, nor does it lower our potential. We just need to believe it and eventually manifest it.

Prioritise Mental Breaks

Our mental health is the anchor and essence of our functional being, without balancing or being present in a stable state of mind we are unable to pursue tasks to the same degree as we are able to when we keep regular checks on our mental health. Both burn out and emotional exhaustion are very subtle warnings of our body and mind needing a break. We cannot relentlessly focus on succeeding and failing when our state of mind is in shambles. By pressing pause and taking a step back, we can evaluate where we stand and thus proceed to tackle any pending obstacle when recovered.

Support System

People are social beings, having a support system or a community to seek emotional upliftment from is not the same as being completely dependent on another individual to give positive reinforcement. Our feelings depend on us, and with a little boost from a group, friends, family or anyone we feel comfortable talking to, we are able to nourish our own energy and continue on. Sometimes when things may seem bleaker than usual, we need an external source of encouragement to motivate us.

Believing in Yourself

You have to believe that you can do something, because if you do not believe in your potential and abilities, nobody else can hold your hand and do it for you. Remember that your failures do not matter to other people as much as they do to you and nobody is focusing in or speculating about your 'shortcomings' except for yourself. Therefore, it is important to remember that the most important person to please is yourself.

Failure is something that stings in the moment but doesn't define your character or capabilities as a person. It's important to note that everybody deals with failure, but it doesn't have to be a hindrance which limits people from trying.

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