Updated 31 Dec, 2020 05:07pm

How We Can Celebrate the New Year With SOPs

December 31st, 2020 marks the last day of a very difficult year for many as the global pandemic has changed the dynamic for many countries across the globe. Being unable to freely socialise, work, attend schools, functions etc has been an ordeal, greatly affecting the economy of the world, namely Pakistan, which has shifted most of its activities to virtual ones, including fashion shows, award ceremonies and so on.

This New Years Eve, we talk about how we can celebrate the new year without risking our own health or that of others, by practicing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guaranteeing that cases do not spread due to the existence of yet another strain of COVID-19, according to reports.

Wear a Mask

Be it as vibrant and colourful as you want, if you are attending an event make sure that regulations are followed, being in crowds without wearing a mask doubles the risk of infection, which is rife in the country momentarily. Therefore, taking our most important accessory with us will ensure that we enter 2021 doing what we can to prevent any spread of the virus.

Small Crowds

With 2020 being different than most, we can make it a point to be more 'low-key' about celebrating the new year by having smaller events, with less people. The less crowded a place is, the more it is possible to safely stay at a social distance while having a good time. If a group of friends would like to celebrate their new years together, they can make an event of it with a few close people while lowering the rate of COVID-19 spreading!


It's time to make the most of the cool weather - outdoor bonfires, rooftops, balconies or open-air spaces are safer than most, without any cooling needed people can enjoy celebrations in spaces that aren't closed, where it is more difficult for infections to be transferred. Keeping in mind, the pandemic is still going on, it is vital to do our part to make sure that 2021 does not see a doubling rate of the novel coronavirus breaking records.

Although we do expect that people will frequently sanitize their hands, wear a mask and keep a safe distance, many have also forgotten that the second wave of the virus is more dangerous than the first, affecting lives and leaving many people suffering. We can do our part to ensure that our new years is made while we do it as safely as possible.

Happy New Year to all! Let's make sure we do not need another lockdown.

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