Updated 09 Jan, 2021 06:27pm

Fawad Chaudhry States COVID-19 Inoculation Will be Free

The on going global pandemic has made its way into the new year after Pakistan has been battling its dangerous second wave. With coronavirus vaccine trials taking place across the world, Dr. Nausheen Hamid, the Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of National Health Services has stated that Pakistan is expected to get its shipment at the end of the month.

According to further reports, Pakistan is said to be getting its first vaccine centre established in the Federal Capital, Islamabad, in Taralai. Minister Fawad Chaudhry has also disclosed that 1.1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses will be imported into the country, as the government is negotiating with notable foreign companies such as Pfizer and AstraZanica.

With the Ministry of National Health Services reporting 40,898 tests conducted on 9 January with 2,007 people having tested COVID-19 positive and 40 deaths thus far, citizens await the arrival of the vaccine, which is said to be making its way into the nation shortly.

Areas like Punjab have decided to vaccinate their public in 3 phrases, prioritising the elderly and healthcare workers who directly interact with patients.

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