Updated 11 Jan, 2021 02:48pm

Mehwish Hayat Challenges Societal Expectations

Mehwish Hayat is known as an icon in Pakistani media, from winning the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz, starring in hit movies like Punjab Nahi Jaongi, Jawanai Phir Nahi Aani, Chhalawa and more!

The Actor in Law wrote down a pensive note to go with her birthday message on social media, shedding light on the effect social media has and how it can be utilised to spread positivity and highlight social issues and meaningful causes beyond the 'hype'.

"Let’s not let society dictate the way we want to lead our life. It is possible for a girl in her early 30’s to be totally happy without being married and with children. It'll happen when it will and not to some prescribed timetable."

In addition to emphasising the importance of societal issues, Mehwish Hayat also reflected on how bullying should be condemned, referring to how social media is used by some to abuse, spread fake news or malicious gossip, referring to how Wiki showing the Dil Lagi actress's age did not mean it was true. Mehwish also stated that this platform should be used to support and empower each other, not 'knock each other down'.

'“Depression is real”. Though my life may seem perfect, we all have our insecurities and shortcomings. But as long as we work towards inner healing and connecting with the Divine, we are capable of overcoming everything that life throws at us.'

Furthermore, the Lux leading lady has also stated that society does not dictate the way one wants to live their life, giving her own example of being perfectly happy and independent without conforming to a particular timetable women are expected to follow.

We need more such role models in Pakistani media, who teach young girls that their destiny is in their own hands, and that they do not need to cater to anybody's 'approval'.

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