Published 25 Mar, 2022 06:07pm

Stay Healthy This Ramzan

If you're one of many Muslims around the world, you must be waiting for Ramzan just as much as we are. Ramzan is an important month that provides us with numerous health benefits. However, to appropriately reap the benefits of this month, it is important to take care of your health. Let's have a look at some tips and tricks you can follow to have a hale and hearty Ramzan!


We cannot stress on this point enough so it had to be the first one. Dehydration is a common occurrence in Ramadan due to the shortage of water that our body faces. Try drinking as much water as you can throughout the night and after iftaar time. And, for ladies wanting that glowy skin, it’s the best time to detoxify during the day and hydrate yourself at night.Do not go overboard though, it has its own hazards!

Avoid Oily Food

Now, we know it is not easy to stop your hands from moving towards the fried fritters, samosas and other delicacies which we prepare with so much zeal and zest for iftaar time. However, if you want to maintain your health and not feel bloated or have that painful heart burn, which most people suffer from, you need to resist! Instead, try having healthy fruits, salads or nutritious meals in small proportions after iftaar.

This is a great fruit chaat recipe, that tastes amazing!


This is another important point to keep in mind, not just for Ramzan but for the whole year. Despite the fact that fasting could be physically demanding, avoid becoming fully passive. Go for a small home workout if you cannot hit the gym, to keep those stubborn extra pounds at bay.

Here is a merely 20-minute workout for all the busy bees to follow in Ramzan. Keep that physique fit to have a happy month!

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