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Who is Armeena as a person? First and foremost, a human being. I am every woman. I am just an ordinary person with an extraordinary job. What’s the meaning of your name? My name comes from an old German Teutonic tribe. It literally means ‘warrior princess

Who is Armeena as a person?

First and foremost, a human being. I am every woman. I am just an ordinary person with an extraordinary job.

What’s the meaning of your name?

My name comes from an old German Teutonic tribe. It literally means ‘warrior princess.’ I feel like a warrior at times.

Tell us about your life while growing up?

My life was quiet and serene. I grew up in a then sleepy town of Streetsville near Toronto and then my family moved to Mississauga in Canada. I was a regular kid with aspirations to do something extraordinary.  At the same time, I had this desire to do something good for the world. I wanted to help people. I am only beginning to understand what that all meant.

Tell us how you got your first job? As what?

My first job was at my own school canteen. I was only 14 years old and I worked the till, stocked, balanced the register and opened / closed the small shop. I took it up during summers. Kids were given the opportunity to gain real, retail and finance experience in order to prepare them for jobs in marketing, finance and sales, etc. It was unpaid. What I loved most about that job was the opportunity to interact with people that I didn’t share any classes with. I made a heck of a lot of friends. The best bit was the candy at staff rates.

Why did you decide to go into acting? 

 I never planned to be an actress as my Degree is in Business. I am a big believer in fate and destiny. I believe you contribute to carving out your own destiny. I believe I was fated to be an actress all along; the signs were all there, from when I was a young girl. I moved to England for my Degree where I was picked up for modelling in my final year in university. My pictures attracted some Filmmakers and the rest is history. My first acting job was in a film ‘It’s too much.’ It was a crossover film that we shot in London.

How has the response been so far?

I never expect anything. That is not to say that I am not ambitious. But once I have filmed or completed something, I don’t attach any kind of expectations with it. Since at that point, it’s beyond my control. I want all my projects to do well, obviously and I make sure that I give it my all. The response has been appropriate to most of my projects but I feel that in some instances, the producers have simply failed to capitalise on me. A couple of my dramas have been hits but sadly despite huge public support have been ignored.

What are your future plans? 

I have a vague idea as to where I want to be in the next few years. But I dislike making long terms plans. As we know that plans never go to plan. I will plan maximum two to three months into the future. Right now, all my energies are channelled into Janaan and into shooting my upcoming British short project ‘Achilles Protocol.’

What are your views on love?

Love is an essential part of our lives. Whether it is familial or romantic. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the love and support of my family and friends. I don’t obsess over romantic love. I believe when the time is right, things will fall into place themselves. As for love generally, it is what makes the world go around. It exists on every level.

Where do you see yourself in the entertainment industry?

I am nowhere where I want to be. The entertainment world is extremely tough. I would go as far as to say that it is one of the toughest industries in the world. It requires this thing called patience and a very thick skin. Striving for perfection is impossible but that is exactly what we are expected to be; a good role model, politician and in Pakistan the added responsibility of staying within the boundaries of religion. And this is all in addition to being a fabulous actor. Acing all of this takes time and especially for someone like myself with zero guidance from the get go not to mention being from Canada. I always felt disadvantaged and hence it is taking a lot longer.

Name 3 celebrities that you’d like to work with?

I do not want to name names. I have a long list of actors and actresses that I wish to work with. They all have their individual ‘pull’ and attributes that make me want to work with them. I hope that I am lucky enough in the future to work with some of them. Fingers crossed.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

I wish I had the power to heal both emotional and bodily wounds. I would be able to brighten and save lives. I feel we only have one life and it should be lived out to the best of our capability. We’d all be so much happier.


Rapid Fire:

  • What’s your favorite scent? FlowerBomb by Viktor & Rolf
  • Your go-to lipstick shade? Please Me by MAC
  • One accessory you never leave your house without? My smile
  • Favorite hangout place? My local Coffee shop
  • Favorite local designer? My mother
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