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Zara Noor Abbas is actress Asma Abbas’ daughter and actor Asad Siddiqui’s wife, but she doesn’t use that, she says. She talks to Edition about how she has made it on her own, her upcoming film ‘Paray Hut Love’, and the changing drama industry. Tell us abo

Zara Noor Abbas is actress Asma Abbas’ daughter and actor Asad Siddiqui’s wife, but she doesn’t use that, she says. She talks to Edition about how she has made it on her own, her upcoming film ‘Paray Hut Love’, and the changing drama industry.

Tell us about ‘Paray Hut Love’ and your character in it. Was this the script you had been waiting for?

I can’t disclose much about the character yet, watch it for yourselves in the cinema, InshAllah, and you will see exactly what it is. The script was very intelligent, I’ve always wanted to work with Asim Raza.

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Paish hai…. Presenting the first #BehindTheScenes cut of #PareyHutLove. Shot in 4 exotic locations in Pakistan and abroad, the film is set to release on Eid Ul Azha next year. Here's a beautiful capture of some of the best moments of the Parey Hut Love family on the sets! We hope you'll love it as much as we enjoyed shooting this. ? Video credits: @zillestudio_kukisphotography #PHL #PareyHutLove #AsimRaza #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #Ahmedalibutt #Saniyar #Zaranoorabbas #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #TalkingPoint #SharpImage @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @mahirahkhan @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official Nadeem baig @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @meerajeeofficial  @faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @aarijmehdi @iambilalsagar @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar @shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @nuzairaimam @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @azaanskhn @zillestudio_kukisphotography @Smbilal @talkingpointpk

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How do you feel about the drama industry at the moment? The roti dhoti aurat trope and how it’s changing?

The drama industry is getting bigger and even more intense as we speak. We’ve seen it address a lot of relevant issues as well. There is still a lot of ground that we need to cover and we definitely need to get over the bechari aurat trope. The world around us is changing and it is important for us to depict the empowered woman and her journey, through our dramas.

You come from a prominent film family, how do you feel about nepotism?

Nepotism is of course there. But I am proud to say that I have never used a sifarish or parchi for myself. I believe that if you are dedicated to your craft and are willing to work hard, nothing can stop you. Without passion and dedication, no amount of ‘source’ can help you in this field. I’m doing what I’m doing today because the audiences want me to and for that I am always so grateful to them.

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How do you feel about the #MeToo movement? 

I think this is a brilliant movement that actually has shed light on so many things that have happened with people over time. Starting from celebrities to normal people this is one movement that connects us all on a human level and helps everyone around us to speak up for any injustices that they have faced.

This movement has been a way to empower people, especially women as it has given them confidence to break out from the stigma surrounding them. My sincerity is towards everyone who has faced this horrendous situation and I hope that one day we can all stand and be powerful together without any fear or worry about the consequences that anyone who speaks up might face.

How do you feel about the film industry’s future in Pakistan? Are there any pitfalls we should avoid, what we need to learn and what have been your biggest learning experiences as a film actor?

In Asim’s film I have realized that the only thing that gets you going is focus and dedication towards your craft. This is something I learnt from Maya and Shehryar, my costars. The Pakistani industry is growing and we all are benefiting from it, especially new comers. The producers and directors have opened their arms for the new lot and it’s amazing to see so much support! Each day I learn something new from the people I am surrounded by in my field.

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