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Co-curated by Amin Gulgee and Sara Pagganwala, Lal Jadoo or Red Magic was a surrealist happening of simultaneous...

Co-curated by Amin Gulgee and Sara Pagganwala, Lal Jadoo or Red Magic was a surrealist happening of simultaneous performances which intended to engage all five senses: sight, smell, sound, touch and taste.

The duration of the performance art was 127 minutes.

For the show, the curators only commissioned new works and also included video and photographic documentation of past performance works using an interdisciplinary approach engaging nearly 70 practitioners from various fields to bring fresh ideas and energy to performance art in Pakistan.

As a term, “red magic” does not exist in our culture. The exhibition aimed to open parallel realities to both the artist and viewer with an experimental exploration of the concept in an attempt to push boundaries with venturing to visualize the red space between the black and the white.

As Marina Abramović has noted: “We are always in the space in-between... all the spaces where you are not actually at home. You haven't arrived yet…This is where our mind is the most open. We are alert, we are sensitive, and destiny can happen. We do not have any barriers and we are vulnerable. Vulnerability is important. It means we are completely alive and this is an extremely important space."

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