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Team Edition tried out organic products from the brand Experiessence, which specialises in salves, soaps, balms and skincare!

Experiessence is a health and beauty brand which focuses on generating the top quality herbal and organic products which leave you feeling smooth and fresh!

Glycerin soaps have numerous benefits for our hygiene, skin and health. During this time of panic and paranoia about cleanliness and safety, we focus on taking the extra care we need. With a neutral pH level and non-toxic ingredients, the products have a gentle cleansing effect, not to mention, smell amazing!

We've reviewed a few products which are safe for dry, oily and sensitive skin, using it for a month! Now, a month is a long time so you can trust that this review is 100% authentic!

Here's our take:

Prickly Heat Soap

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This by far is a favourite! Made with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial natural products, the pricky heat glycerin soap has a cooling effect upon (and after) use, leaving you feeling super fresh and chilled, especially ideal in the hot summer time! After using it for a month, we can guarantee a fantastic result, which has you wanting more of that cooling effect!

Rating: 9/10

Gem Heart

With a soothing fragrance, this glycerin gem gives your body the calming effect it needs, relaxing tense muscles and softening your skin in the process! With a lovely appearance and amazing lathering quality, we would recommend this if you want almost baby-soft effects!

Rating: 7/10

Charcoal & Aloe Vera

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We all know about the benefits of charcoal as a skincare product, but this soap, with infused aloe vera extracts, blew us away! Not only does it have an incredible fragrance but cleanses your skin thoroughly in the process. By far the most addictive product, finishing in only a week! We would recommend this as a shower-time must have if you want to scrub away the toxins!

Rating: 8/10

Relief Balm

We call this a "miracle balm" due to it's healing effects. Not only can this balm be used to ease muscle pains and strains but it can be used for sinusitis as well! Applying the balm to your face when feeling a bit stuffy is key, creating a slight burning sensation in the best way, as it opens your nose up! This multi-purpose balm can be used for different ailments while being completely safe and sensitive for your skin!

Rating: 10/10

Tea-Tree Oil

Anyone who has struggled with dermal issues such as acne, skin irritations and abrasions, as well as eczema, knows about the legendary 'TeaTree Oil'. We recommend this as an everyday product which is safe to use for both your body and face, creating a calm and relaxing effect after every wash! We can attest to the wonderful benefits it has on the skin, being pH neutral and perfect for sensitive skin!

Rating: 9/10

Experiessence's products are not only soothing and hydrating, but the fresh and light smell of organic and natural ingredients is actually long-lasting. The extra care taken into making products we can use with comfort is visible, with the adorable and crafty unique appearance and packaging, perfect for essential care, especially if you're fond of the all-natural approach!

Would we use Experiessence products again? Absolutely! Specifically the prickly heat soap, tea-tree and relief balm.

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Related ItemsBeautyHealthy lifestyleNaturalOrganic skincareReviewsskin friendlySkincareExperiessence

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