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Photo: The New Yorker
Photo: The New Yorker
Coronavirus is running rampant with a potentially threatening second wave as cases amount to a 5% positivity rate.

The figures by the National Command and Operations Centre(NCOS) records the coronavirus positivity rate at 4.94% this Tuesday. The cases recorded that day had a toll of 1313 across the country, bringing the total to 337,573 with 6,876 deaths recorded.

Photo: Economic Times
Photo: Economic Times

As a result, strict standard operating protocols(SOPs) are to be followed in the country. In a statement on November 6, 2020 the NCOS ordered both public and private workplaces to impose a 50% work from home policy. Additionally, a ban on indoor weddings has been imposed while outdoor weddings with less than 1000 persons will be allowed, whereas, in cities with spiking rates all such activities will be fully banned.

The regular SOPs of wearing a mask and maintaining physical distance are being followed with a Rs.100 fine for those who do not. Recreational spots are to be closed by 6pm while commercial areas and shopping malls can operate till 10 pm.

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