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Saeed Ghani discloses that he does not think schools' will reopen from January.

With the ongoing global pandemic intensifying this winter in Pakistan schools have been shifted back online after a brief reopening from September. With reports of educational institutes reopening in January 2021, people are in a state of confusion, and it seems the Sindh Education Minister does not think they will in fact open in January.

On Wednesday, Mr. Ghani stated that students would not be promoted without sitting for examinations, and even shared that he did not think schools would be opening in January as predicted due to the rising cases of COVID-19, with Sindh's current tally amounting to 206,489.

Federal Minister of Education, Shafqat Mahmood, had initially announced that online classes would end on the 24th of December, with winter holidays starting from the 25th until the 10th of January, stating that exams had been postponed until further notice.

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