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Photo: Dribbble
Here's why gender roles and life skills are 2 separate things!

Why is it that in this day and age we still consider cooking and cleaning a woman's job? In this century where we live or want to live as self-sufficient human beings, it doesn’t make sense to conform to basic gender roles that were imposed on us in a world that believed that men were ‘hunters’ and women were confined to the domestic sphere. The concept of ‘change’ is a tricky one, as we’ve been told that change is not easy, and adapting to a new set of norms can take time and resistance. In order to maintain a more independent lifestyle, our perspective needs to be revamped.

Photo: Freepik
Photo: Freepik

Change starts with you, so here we explore how doing small, basic tasks around the house and picking up some culinary skills can only enrich your lifestyle!

When living alone, or with one’s family, having a general knowledge of cooking, cleaning, maintaining a household environment proves extremely beneficial. Identifying the mindset is key, being a man or a woman, these skills are essential for everyday survival. For example, when a student goes abroad to study, who will sustain their lifestyle, prepare their meals, and clean their house? Teaching our children how to become aware and self-sufficient is where it starts, and this will allow them to become functional adults in their own respective lives.

After all that, remind yourself that change is the only constant and it is quite possible. How can we change this thinking now for our future generations? We can choose to bring up our own children in ways that will better help them survive in this society that is ever changing.

Photo: Pinterest
Photo: Pinterest

Teaching both genders life skills that will help them both survive in the future rather than limiting them from what and who they can become.

Related ItemsCookingIndependenceLifestylecleaningskillsgender roles

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