New Year, New Us? How To Take Time Out During & After Decemberistan – Your Guide To A Self-Care!
Staying in Pakistan during “Decemberistan” means you fall victim to the endless weddings, parties, brunches and dinners almost every day. What can start of as a fun action-packed month often leaves you drained, extremely sluggish and a little guilty as you realize the new year is approaching and you’ve gained a few extra pounds and you’re just drained.
Lately, the term means nothing because January and February are equally as busy, so it becomes incredibly difficult keeping up with all events especially as your energy levels are draining and going out seems like a chore. You spend theentire week dragging your feet across the office floor, counting the minutes to go home and then having that daunting realization as a calendar event pops up meaning you have another social obligation to fulfil.
It’s tough but we’re here to give a few tips to turn your Sundays into a Rejuvenation Self-care Sunday so that you begin your week feeling energized, relaxed and happy. Take that time out for yourself and enjoy it.
Sleep Sleep and Repeat! Something that is much needed during December which lags into January, too! In fact, everywhere I go, I often hear people complaining about how little sleep they’ve been able to get. However, when the weekend comes, why is it that we rather drag our feet at every social obligation that feels taxing rather than allowing ourselves to rest at home and sleep? Take a break! Sunday should be your rejuvenation day! Sleep as this is when your body starts repairing itself.