Published 26 Mar, 2020 05:49pm

Tête-à-Tête With Sadia Jabbar

Sadia Jabbar is a Pakistani television and film producer who founded a production company, Sadia Jabbar Productions in 2014, which has produced tv serials in Pakistan. In 2016, she produced her first feature film Balu Mahi - and moreover she has made a number of shows that are creative and have primarily focused on realities of society - like Mujhey Beta Chahiye and Shameless Proposals.

We had a few questions for her, and after all her astounding achievements we finally got some answers!

How did you get into production?

I was studying in NCA, Lahore when Usman Peerzada came for a production/ action workshop since then somehow I like how you conceive an idea & execute it. The entire creative process inspires me.

Are you picky about shows you produce? Tell us why.

Yes I am - most of the time, but often when TV channels offer you a script which goes against your mindset and thoughts, and you need money to run your workplace, then the decision goes against my wish.

We've noticed you like to put the focus on the hardcore realities of society. Do you get any feedback on this?

Yes I do! Being born and raised in a privileged family I see so many woman & youngster suffer a lot and we need to change the stereotype of our culture. I’m really learning how to tell stories either through shows or short films which can inspire the women & youth of Pakistan.

Who has been your biggest inspiration in the world of production? Why?

Humayun Saeed in terms of productions - just the amount of hard work he puts in his projects & the way he treats his entire team is commendable. His sense about scripts is also inspiring. Another person that comes to mind is Fizza Ali Mirza - I love her films & her vision inspires me as film maker.

Would you produce anything you don't personally agree with just to appreciate another opinion?


What should we expect next?

I just collaborated on 7 short films with a director which we will put online after June/July. Stay tuned!

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