Updated 19 May, 2020 10:10pm

Yoga: In Simple Words

One of the many trends taking place in Karachi as well as Lahore and Islamabad is our one and only source of keeping sane while we try to understand and deal with the harsh realities of life, Yoga. But what exactly does it entail?

Think of yoga, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A pose? Those aesthetically pleasing tights? Or a person you know that avidly practices yoga?

Now, forget all the physical and material aspects of yoga, what comes to mind?

You probably thought about meditation, right? The answer is the thought that came to your mind, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to spirituality, Yoga means taking time out of your busy life and slowing it down to focus on yourself. Is that what we’re all doing? I sure hope so.

Yoga is about you

Yoga is about looking inwards towards the self that we are and the self that we can become, it’s about self awareness. Taking time out for yoga means processing your problems, emotions and self love, slowly taking steps towards the more difficult things in our life, metaphorically as well as literally.

Yoga has many forms and types but it is known as love, as compassion, as honesty with yourself and others, as detachment from material possessions, finding deeper more meaningful connections and finding happiness within yourself.

Living in a third world country, we face a number of problems especially with the ongoing global pandemic but some of our yogis on the internet are still here, working on spreading the love online, virtually!

Spreading the "good vibes" has not stopped, all you need to do is give yourself you and your time. Have a lovely week all you yogis!

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