Updated 05 Jun, 2020 04:47pm

How Bell Peppers Boost Your Immunity & Give You That Glow!

Dislcaimer: Hira Zahid is a nutritionist who practices online consultation, you can find more information on her blog 'fettle.and.fit'.

Hello my lovely people!

Do you want to know the key to getting super clear skin, healthier teeth and gums, and efficient blood vessels, as well as better immunity?

Are you worried that all Vitamin C foods, from Citrus to strawberries and kiwis, are not available these days?

Don’t worry, I’m here to let you all know about a very rich source of Vitamin C! It not only provides you Vitamin C for immunity but also Vitamin E and much more.

It is Bell Peppers! A vegetable that is readily available and brings so much flavor to our food! Since it is a good source of Vitamin C and E is up regulates your immunity. It also provides all these health benefits discussed above!

Green bell peppers also contain zeaxanthin, which keeps your eyes healthy and might reduce your risk of age-related eye disorders.

A bioactive compound Capsaicin is present in them, which has been shown to boost metabolism as well as suppress appetite, at least slightly giving you an edge in weight loss process. The role of Capsaicin as an active anticancer compound is well known.

Apart from capsanthin, Bell Peppers contain many healthy antioxidants, including violaxanthin, lutein, quercetin, and luteolin. These plant compounds are associated with many health benefits.

It also helps up regulate your body temperature which is very helpful to many females out there.

They are good for anemic patients being a good source of folate, iron and vitamin C. Like all the vegetables and fruits it’s a decent source of fiber and minerals.

It also is a source of Vitamin K1 which has significant role in blood clotting and bone health.

So use them in various dishes, salads, snacks and enjoy the sour, sweet Bell Pepper taste with all these amazing health benefits! Bell Peppers aren't only tasty, they boost your immune system, skin and have numerous other benefits as listed above to help you live and feel better!

Stay Fettle and Fit with Hira Zahid!

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