Published 31 Dec, 2020 04:40pm

Khalti Lake Turns into Playground as GB Records -17 °C

Khalti Lake, which is situated in the Ghizer region of Gilgit-Baltistan , has frozen as temperatures have dropped down to -17°C. Individuals, particularly youngsters, from the locale can be currently spotted playing, skating and enjoying the frozen lake. Consistently in November, the lake gets frozen and keeps up its state till March.

It is an essential wellspring of clean water for the locals and is occupied by an abundance of trout, which is a nearby top choice. Numerous games are coordinated on the frozen lake in which children living nearby participate enthusiastically. In January 2020, a colder time of year, sports rivalry and such activities commenced at the Khalti lake, including football, ice hockey and ice skating.

Northern Areas (valleys of KP, GB and AJK) are the most loved places of interest in the nation. The areas pull in huge numbers of neighborhood and global sightseers every year. Found around 2,217m above ocean level, the crystallization of the tranquil lake has surpassed individuals' expectations for having trout for supper once more. In any case, it has made for a vivacious jungle gym for the younger generation of the area to skate on.

Settled in Gupis Valley, Khalti is additionally a supply for the encompassing ice sheets that make its waters amazingly cold. It generally freezes throughout the colder time of year, following which locals are able to enjoy and partake in recreational sport.

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