Published 25 Feb, 2022 09:42am

Editor's Picks: Weekend Music


Whether you will be partying the weekend away or running errands or entertaining at home, what you really need to make any of those occasions is a great playlist. So, keep an open mind and add these tunes to your playlist

Emma Peters - Traverser

This little known French song bird sings like a dream and her melodies are just so soothing. Honestly, I don't understand a word of the lyrics but this song feels like a gentle sun shining down on me as I laze by a pool.

Monaldin - Break My Heart Again

Another rising female voice (because obscure should not be used such talent), Monaldin first came to prominence with a cover of Femme Like U with Emma Peters. The singer from Kazakhstan covered Finneas' supremely sad ballad only to make heart break sound prettier.

Fredric Magnon - Close to Me

If you don't mind a bit of romance over the weekend, then this number will have you feeling feelings for your beloved in no time. It's from the soundtrack of a Netflix original from France 'The Hookup Plan' - so there's a bonus viewing recommendation too.

The Stranglers - Golden Brown

Bringing back this 80s classic to your consciousness. The addictive melody and hypnotic, almost repetitive vocal quality has a nice relaxed vibe that's perfect for Sunday reading or an inspiring conversation.

Ali Sethi - Khabar e Tahayur e Ishq

This piece of perfection by Ali Sethi is almost meditative. The hauntingly beautiful music of Noah Georgeson and the absolutely exquisite of Siraj Aurangabadi comes alive with Sethi's soulful rendition. Pay attention to the lyrics and don't be fooled into thinking this is a song of heartbreak.

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